Read the article (The Daily World)
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Learn more about Grays Harbor Therapeutic Court
Read the article (Ellensburg Daily Record)
Watch the video by Latino Northwest Communications. (10:36 min)
Read the article (The Chronicle)
Watch Regional Mental Health Court at King County District Court. (KCTV – 2:25 min)
Learn more about the program.
Read the 2018 DSHS report that found King County Regional Mental Health Court participants had significantly lower rates of re-offending and psychiatric hospitalization and fewer incarceration days and emergency department visits than a matched comparison group.
Watch the King5 News story.
Learn more about Issaquah Municipal Community Court.
Most of the participants of Issaquah Community Court are required to complete volunteer hours. While finding volunteer opportunities is not always easy, team members engage with participants to learn their interests and things they enjoy doing, to match them with fulfilling opportunities.
Two Community Court participants engaged as volunteers at the City of Issaquah’s Culture Fest on September 6, 2024. The event is focused on celebrating Issaquah’s cultural diversity and providing a space for people to connect and learn. The event is open to all – long-time residents, recent immigrants, and everyone in between. The program featured cultures from multiple continents represented in Issaquah.
As volunteers, the participants were both very helpful with setting up the event and managing the performances on the stage.
Both participants shared how much they enjoyed the opportunity and how much they learned about their community.